나는 이곳을 졸업하는 것이 부끄럽다
430 x 300 x 350 cm
The project "I'M ASHAMED TO HAVE GRADUATED HERE" serves as my Diplom-Arbeit, a culmination of my academic work, which stands as a protest against the discriminatory tuition fee policy in Baden-Wuerttemberg. A prominent outdoor billboard was erected for one month at a public location adjacent to the Rathaus U-Bahn station in Stuttgart.
Baden-Württemberg has been imposing tuition fees on students from non-EU countries since 2017, making it the sole state in Germany to do so. These fees amount to 1,500 euros per semester.
My journey commenced here, at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart, precisely in 2017, coinciding with the introduction of this policy. My inaugural exhibition at the institution took the form of a protest against this very system. In 2017, when this law was enacted, I paid 1,500 euros for my first semester's tuition. Through the project "100 sales = €1,500 tuition(2017)," I voiced my dissent by selling t-shirts and tote bags adorned with my artwork for 15 euros each. One hundred individuals who shared my opposition to this law and supported my pursuit of artistic education made these purchases.
Two months later, I received a letter exempting me from all tuition fees. This was because I had previously been enrolled as an exchange student, and the status of being an exempt student was complex. I was thus relieved of tuition fees for a duration of five years.
Five years have elapsed, and this policy remains in place, persistently silent and unyielding.
Silence paves the way for discrimination. I hold a deep affection for the spirit of academia, which is why I raise my voice in shame and sorrow, highlighting the ongoing unequal treatment of non-EU students in this institution.
"100 sales = €1,500 tuition" was my inaugural project at this institution that opened doors, and now, with "I'M ASHAMED TO HAVE GRADUATED HERE," it marks a closure—an expression of my feelings and a poignant commentary on the state of affairs.
Aimy, the primary avatar within my artistic realm, symbolized my era of artistic study in Germany and drew inspiration from the format of online meme culture.
뮤지엄헤드, 서울, 한국
100개의 판매 = 1,500 유로의 등록금
100개의 티셔츠와 에코백, 퍼포먼스, 스폰서들의 사인이 담긴 2장의 A4용지
모델 / Vita Mikju, Dongju Lee, Hwayoung Park
2017년 겨울학기부터 독일 바덴뷔르템베르크에 속한 모든 대학에서 "비유럽연합 국가 출신 외국 학생에게만" 학기당 2백만 원에 가까운 등록금을 징수한다.
이 근거없는 조치에 작가는 강력히 반대하며 작업 딥키스 월드(2017)의 매춘 이미지의 연장으로 재-매춘을 시도한다. 예술을 싸게 팔아 다시 예술을 공부함을 가시화한 시위이다.
* Prostitution
1. The practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment.
2. The unworthy or corrupt use of one's talents for personal or financial gain.
The images of Deep Kiss World, which are spread, make a tiny space in the long and brutally fixed sexual objectification.
100명의 구매자는 스폰서로 명명된다. 스폰서들은 티셔츠와 에코백을 구매함으로써, 추수의 예술 공부의 연장과 해당 법안 철폐를 지지하게 된다.